Procurement Case Study – Packing PlyProcurement

A client requested QUBE Procurement source low cost plywood used in the transport industry as product packaging and protection in transit. The client requested a special sheet size to meet truck/trailer restrictions.


Packing ply is a consumable product in the industry – an operational overhead to be minimised. There is a large amount of ply that is lost or used by other transport companies in error. At the same time we needed to supply a superior grade of ply with an acceptable lifespan.


QUBE Procurement sourced ply that met the client’s size requirements. Custom 45 degree corners were suggested and implemented to reduce corner damage and allow airflow when used in refrigerated containers thus enhancing its lifespan and safety when handling the product. The client’s logo was added to both sides of each sheet to reduce misuse/loss . Savings of 34% were achieved for this product.