Our goal is to implement the Qube Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan by June 2024, which involves connecting and supporting First Nations peoples and communities. This is an important journey for us as a business to further embed a culture of inclusiveness.

Qube established a RAP committee in October 2022, to develop the RAP and engage in activities to promote Qube’s vision for reconciliation.

Qube’s RAP is a practical plan of action built on inclusion, integrity and opportunities.

The RAP committee members are located across Australia and in a variety of divisions, and are expected to contribute knowledge and perspectives from their experience in diverse regional, sectorial, professional and cultural backgrounds.

We continue to develop and grow our RAP to ensure engagement and opportunities for First Nations peoples.

As part of the Reflect RAP Qube will seek to:

  • Implement initiatives to assist the employment and opportunities of First Nations peoples through a First Nations Peoples Employment Pathway Program.
  • Increase employment of First Nations peoples and procurement from First Nations suppliers, aiming for 5% of suppliers to be engaged via tenders (or in tenders) and 1% of total supplier spend contracted to First Nations peoples owned businesses.
  • Improve the understanding and respect of First Nations peoples through our Cultural Awareness Program.

Partnerships and Current Activities

Our aim is to create more employment opportunities within Qube for First Nations young people through partnerships with the Stars Foundation and the Clontarf Foundation.

The Stars Program operates full-time, with intensive support programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls in schools, with the aim of improving health and education outcomes for this cohort.

We commit to supporting initiatives to assist the employment and opportunities of First Nations girls and young women.

We have a strong partnership with the Clontarf Foundation, which exists to improve the education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem, and employment prospects of young First Nations men while equipping them to participate more meaningfully in society.

Case Study

Reconciliation Action Plan

Reconciliation Action Plan artwork by Darren Charlwood

Sydney based Indigenous artist, Darren Charlwood, created this artwork for Qube’s Reconciliation Action Plan in […]