Qube Agri is an example of Qube’s overall commitment to supporting and investing in the regional communities in which we operate.

Qube Agri offers onsite services including:

  • Bulk Storage & Warehousing
  • Container Packing
  • Grading & Bagging
  • Seed & Fertiliser Management
  • Road & Rail Transport Options

We handle commodities such as wheat, chickpeas, cottonseed, barley, mung beans, fertiliser, oats, faba beans and lupins.

Qube Agri provides long term value to regional growers and stakeholders through the provision of a seamless supply chain, together with Quattro in Port Kembla, Qube’s container services in Port Botany (empty container park) and access to world markets through Qube Global.

More Information.

Agri Harvest Checklist
Agri Delivery Advice Form
Growers Storage and Handling Agreement

Agri Services.


Qube Agri has two strategically located and approved Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) facilities based in Central West New South Wales. Qube Agri’s container packing facilities in Narromine and Coonamble offer trading exposure to both domestic and international markets. The Narromine facility has been in operation since 2000 and Coonamble since 2012.

Storage and Handling.

Qube Agri offers storage and handling facilities for a wide range of processed commodities with over 100,000 square metres of storage capacity. Qube Agri is equipped and experienced to meet all domestic and international quality requirements through our specialised drying and fumigation processes. Qube Agri connects exporters directly to international markets through a direct link to Qube’s integrated logistics supply chain network throughout Australia.


Qube Agri, as part of Qube Logistics, provides dedicated bulk and containerised rail services as well as road transport to support the Agri market. Qube Agri offers a broad range of services direct to farmers including on-site packing at harvest time, product processing and containerisation, export to international markets, as well as fertiliser spreading. Qube Agri has the unique ability to provide alternative rail solutions to buyers should network issues arise, while also facilitating a wide range of specialised supply chain solutions, directly connecting regional farmers to over 30 export markets worldwide.

Agri Procurement.

Qube Agri provides a single-point for all fertiliser, farm equipment and consumable procurement needs. Qube’s Agri Procurement team specialises in understanding the global sourcing, manufacturing and logistics processes from product conception to supplier assessment and selection, manufacturing QC, production assurance, reporting, logistics and permitting. Qube’s global logistics network means that it is easy for producers to select, manufacture or import new agricultural equipment and products.

Locations and Contact.

Contact us to discuss your Agri requirements.


Gadsens Ln, Coonamble NSW 2829
Phone: 0409 164 349


313 The McGrane Way, Narromine NSW 2821
Phone: 02 6889 2200


661 Harefield Rd, Harefield NSW 2650
Phone: 02 6928 4467


72 Boundary St, Narrabri NSW 2390
Phone: 02 9366 6037