In order to ensure the integrity of our operations, we have put in place Whistleblower Policies for our Australian and New Zealand businesses.

Our Whistleblower Policies promote and support a culture of honest and ethical behaviour, good corporate governance and compliance with Qube’s legal and regulatory obligations.

Our Whistleblower Policies set out the process for reporting concerns and outline the support, protections and remedies which a person/s may be eligible to access when making an eligible whistleblower report.

Download Policies.

Whistleblower Policy (Australia)
Whistleblower Policy (New Zealand)

Making a Report.

Under either policy, you can send an email to [email protected] including as much information as possible. These emails are received only by Qube’s Protected Disclosure Officers who will assess and action the report in accordance with the policies.

You can choose to remain anonymous throughout the process (although this may impact Qube’s ability to properly investigate the report) and reports will be treated confidentially, subject to limited exceptions as set out in the policies.

Alternatively, reports can be made using either of the two forms below (depending on where you are located).